asked ago in Product related by

I am curious if the BP-VG3090TIFTW block will support NVLink connection.  I am looking to purchase two blocks to install on evga 3090ti ftw3 cards and connect them with an Ada 3-slot bridge.  I estimate the spacing between the two blocks in a 3-slot configuration will be ~10mm.  Can you please confirm that your product supports NVLink bridge connection?  Also, if you have any additional information regarding the spacing of the blocks please let me know.
Thank you,


1 Answer

answered ago by (116k points)
Hi Ethan,

Thank you for contacting Bitspower.
The BP-VG3090TIFTW block will support NVLink bridge connection.
In a standard motherboard, the space between two slots is about 12mm.
You can use the first and third slots to install two GPU waterblocks.





