asked in Product related by (170 points)

This product is compatible with X299 Asrock Taichi and Taichi XE.

But Arock X299 Taichi CLX?

Compatible or not? Are the cooling zones the same? Mounting holes?

2 Answers

answered by (113k points)
selected by
Best answer
Hello Leonator,

BP-WBMASRX299TC is not compatible with Arock X299 Taichi CLX.

Because the chip sets below the CPU is different.

If you need details, please send email to

We will show you in the picture.
asked Aug 6, 2020 in Product related by (170 points) new model planned
answered by (140 points)


I have mount the block without Problems on a  Arock X299 Taichi CLX Rev. 1.1

Have full contact with CPU and VRMs. The Holes fit's perfectly.

Bought the Block and see the Post here and was insecure if it fits. Have not seen any issues.

Has Asrock rework the CLX or is the info here false ?







