asked in Product related by
Hi, I've already replaced the pump on the O11D distro plate.

But because the pump screws are directly connected to the plate, it transfers all noise and vibrations to the whole distroplate and the case.

Is it possible to "decouple" it? Can I replace the pump top (with some additional washers), that is sitting between the pump and the plate with your standalone top for example? Is there a G1/4 thread on the distroplate to dismount the pump top and attach it separately?

2 Answers

answered by (116k points)

Hello Rosen,

Which pump did you replace on the O11D distro plate?
Are you using the BPTA-WDPO11DA-PWM distro plate as following link?

answered by (220 points)
Hi Lily,

Yes that's the distribution plate I'm using. And the pump I've used to replace the factory one is Laing DDC 3.2 PWM.





