User joinpdcode

Member for: 4 months (since Nov 28, 2024)
Type: Registered user
Full name: JoinPD Code
Location: texas
About: – Join a PearDeck Session | Enter the Pear Deck Code : PearDeck, an EdTech Platform collaborates with a Google slides addon in the name “JoinPD“. Students who are interested in entering into a peardeck lesson/session could enter the pear deck code through the official website of In-return, teachers create more engaging activities like various questionnaires, while quizizz focuses on multiple-choice questions. The Student who like to join in the peardeck lesson are eligible to enter 6 digit alphabetical code given by the teachers respectively. The JoinPD code is given in such a way that even a kid can go to Enter the code your teacher gave you to join the lesson on the official site of joinpd to make them understand the number of students logged in by using their Gmail or Microsoft account. Signup or Login to your Gmail/Microsoft email account to experience  presentation streaming, screen locking, a countdown timer, and team communication.

Activity by joinpdcode

Score: 100 points (ranked #581)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0

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