User trafficaccident2142

Member for: 1 year (since Jun 17, 2023)
Type: Registered user
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Website: https://交通意外索償.com/traffic-accident/被私家車在斑馬線撞到而受傷/
About: The plaintiff was injured when a private car hit a zebra crossing. The defendant pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and drink driving. After the accident, he was sent to the emergency department of the hospital. After examining his injuries, the doctor in the emergency department found that his left foot was bruised, swollen and bruised, his back was bruised, his right knee was bruised and bleeding, and he had symptoms of hematuria. Defendant's physician specialist determined that his incapacity/incapacity was only 2%. After careful consideration, based on the precedent provided by the lawyer and the situation of Mr. Li, it is believed that he deserves $150,000 in compensation. It may take him longer to find another job, so consider that he should be paid six months' salary as compensation for his incapacity, totaling $65,520.

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