asked in Technical problem by
Hi, i connected the pump to pump header in my Motherdoabrd(z390 aorus master) The problem is that i can not control the rpm smoothly and the pump just turns on to max rpm and off at silent or normal mode. If i try the manual mode same thing happens. Pump starts at ~75% of max rpm capability only. If i set it lower it wont start. At max ~4500 rpm IT is very loud.

1 Answer

answered by (113k points)
Hello Voo,

Sorry that the S1 pump in the O11 dynamic is not PWM, so the speed could not be controlled. It runs in nearly 100% when it connects to the power. Or would you like to check about the bubble in your loop? Mostly when the bubble is still in the loop, such as the corner of the radiator, the pump runs loudly.
asked Jan 8, 2019 in Technical problem by Voo S1 pump in the O11





