asked in Technical problem by
I put mineral oil as coolant and experienced oil leaks from all rotary fittings. And all the O-rings were swollen with mineral oil and could no longer be used. In this case, can it be used by replacing only the O-ring?

3 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Dear Won,

If the Oring is in the thread,  you can replace the O-ring with BP-WTP-O10-BK.
But if the O-ring is inside the rotary, it could not be opened and replaced the O-ring.

Also, we advise you to only use our coolant BPTA-CMCD500 as the coolant.
asked Jun 9, 2022 in Technical problem by (120 points) One more thing.
answered by (140 points)

"It sounds like the mineral oil has caused a chemical reaction with the O-rings, leading to swelling and leaks. Replacing the O-rings with ones made of a material resistant to mineral oil, such as Viton or EPDM, might resolve the issue. Be sure to clean the fittings thoroughly before installation to avoid residue that could compromise the new seals. For more information on reliable solutions and services, you can visit GEPCO Online Bill, which also provides useful resources and updates!"

answered by (140 points)

ミネラルオイルは、ほとんどの冷却システムで使用される標準的なOリングとは互換性がなく、膨張や劣化を引き起こします。Oリングを交換するだけでは、長期的な解決にはならない可能性があります。ミネラルオイルに耐性のある素材、例えば**Viton(FKM)やNitrile(NBR)**で作られたOリングを使用する必要があります。また、オイルによって回転継手に損傷や摩耗がないかも確認してください。計算器 問題が続く場合は、システムの材料に適した冷却液に変更することを検討してください。





